

Monday, August 29, 2011

1.Who was Vincent Van Gogh?
Vincent Van Gogh was a chief symbol of expression, he was born in Groot-Zundert, Holland, 1853-1890. His father was a pastor. He studied art and sold art, he became an artist between the years of 1860 and 1880.
2. Why was he famous?
Vincent Van Gogh was famous for his art, it was detemined to give happiness and beauty.
3. What was happening in the United States during the time period?
The civil war, emancipation proclomation, reconstruction, and the Jims crow laws
4.What was happening in your community during that time period?
my community didnt exist

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

mc alzheimer


1. What is the medical condition?
Dementia is a loss of brain function that occurs with certain diseases. Alzheimer disease (AD), is one form on dementia that gradually gets worse overtime, affects memory, thinking, & behavior.

2. How long has it been around?
Alzheimer was discovered the year of 1906 by Dr. Alois Alzheimer.

3. Where was the first case identified?
The first case was identified by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in Frankfurt Germany.

4. What gender, age, & ethnic group is more likely to have this condition?
Anybody has the risk of getting it but mostly females; you get it around the age of 60.

5. Is the condition curable?
No, b/c dementia is a loss of brain function forever and there is no cure to it.

6. How does this medical condition impact a person’s life in the following areas:
• Short Term & Long Term: Some of the affects in short term and long term, is severe memory loss.
• Physical: This affects you physically because you forget to do things such as how to brush your teeth or take a shower.
• Emotional: This affects your behavior problem like your mood changes.
• Eating: it affects your appetite because you forget how to swallow and chew.
• Mental: Mentally it affects you by loss of memory.
• Financial: You also forget how to pay your bills or when to pay them.

7. What are some symptoms a person should report to their doctor?
• Language is a symptom I would report to my doctor such as sometimes I don’t know what I’m saying.
• Memory is also a symptom I would report to my doctor; I forget a lot of things.
• Emotional behavior or personality changes are physically the main things that affect you because your behavior changes a lot.